Via Delle Centurie, 39, Frosinone, Italy, 03100, Italy
Lab tags:
We are united by the passion for research and fascinated by the incredible ability of the FabLab network to produce knowledge and experimentation, applicable both locally and globally. Thanks to educational and cultural events, we support and spread innovative thinking in our community, becoming a factory of ideas.
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/fablab-frosinone
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabfrosinone/
- https://twitter.com/fablabfrosinone
- https://www.fablabfrosinone.org/
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabfrosinone
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle