Rodovia Senador Jose Ermirio de Moraes, 1425 Castelinho km 1,5, Sorocaba, SP, 18087-125, Brazil
Lab tags:
We are constantly learning, but individual skills of each person of the team meet the different demands, contributing to the growth and development of projects. Our skills and resources are related to:
• 2D and 3D modeling software
• 3D Printer
• 3D Scanner
• Laser Cutter
• Cutter Vinyl
• Precision CNC Milling Machine
• Milling large format CNC
• Electronics
• Manual Tools
• Programming
• Arduino, Raspberry and Galileo
We constantly offer workshops related to digital fabrication for FACENS students and the community.
Our open day take place every Friday from 13pm to 19pm.
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser
- Fresado de precisión
- Cortadora de vinilo