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Super Fablab Kerala
Integrated Startup Complex, Kinfra Hi-Tech Park, Kalamassery, Kochi, Kerala , 683503, India
+91 4842977137
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With the support of Government of Kerala, KSUM has started two MIT USA Electronics Fabrication labs each at Technopark, Trivandrum and Kerala Technology Innovation Zone (KTIZ), Kochi. The fablab in Technopark, Trivandrum is established inside the Indian Institute of Technology and Management- Kerala (IIITM-K). A Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) is a technical prototyping platform for innovation and invention which aims at providing stimulus for local entrepreneurship and serves as a platform for learning and innovation. It is a small scale workshop offering digital fabrication which empowers the users to create smart devices for themselves which can be tailored to local or personal needs. The FabLab also becomes a medium for connecting to a global community of learners, educators, technologists, researchers and innovators – essentially becoming a self-sustaining global knowledge sharing network.
The FABLAB programme involves setting up state-of-the-art Fabrication laboratories in the state to encourage startups in printed electronics and other such fields. KSM has associated with Centre for Bits and Atoms, MIT Fab Lab Foundation, USA for this. The fablabs being established in Trivandrum and Ernakulam are identical and mainly comprises of the following inventories.

1. Laser Cutter

2. Large Scale CNC Mill: Shopbot

3. 3D printers: Dimension SST 3D printer and Ultimaker 2

4. High Resolution Mini NC Mill: Modela

5. Vinyl Plotter

6. Sand Blaster

7. Electronic Components and Tools

8. Molding and Casting

9. Electronics Test Equipments

10. Computers

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printen
  • CNC frezen
  • Printplaat productie
  • Laser Snijden/Graveren
  • Precisie frezen
  • Vinyl snijplotter
jogin francis
Technical Officer
Yadu sharon MG
Technical Officer
Saheen Palayi
FAB LAB - Consultant
mufeed mohamed
FabLab Coordinator
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