Centro de Empresas Inovadoras, Av. do Empresário, 1, Castelo Branco, Castelo Branco, 6000-767, Portugal
Lab tags:
With the aim of supporting entrepreneurs, makers, inventors and community members in general to transform their innovative ideas into prototypes CATAA association through the Innovative Companies Center developed the FabLab CB design.
This project is based on the philosophy launched by MIT to be able to make almost everything in one place and quickly. Thus helping the various types of users to materialize their ideas, concepts, prototypes or even innovation on existing objects and concepts.
Taking advantage of freely available online knowledge and tools like 3-D printers, CNC's, leisure cutters, 3D scanners etc. present in our space is now possible to make a few hours prototype objects in the past would take days or even weeks to design and manufacture. The FabLab CB just imagine what it intends to manufacture, transfer this idea to one of the recommended digital media, select the material and most suitable equipment for manufacturing and with the support of ECi elements to pitch in work.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten