Purkyňova 649/127, Brno, 61200, Czechia
Lab tags:
We are the first FabLab in Czechia. Our aim is to get by the end of 2019 thousands of ppl inside, have hundreds of them subscribe and we want to incubate tens of projects in FabLab so they can make it on a market.
We are cooperating with Brno university of technology, local hackerspaces and other makers communities. We are also trying to drive innitiative and cooperation of all kind of open labs in Czechia.
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/fablabbrno
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabbrno/
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabbrno
- http://www.fablabbrno.cz
- Stampa 3D
- Fresatura CNC
- Produzione di circuiti
- Incisione e taglio laser
- Fresatura di precisione
- Taglio vinile