Avenida Perimetral da Ciência, km 01 – Guamá, Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia Guamá, Prédio Espaço Inovação, Terceiro Piso, Sala 15, Belém, Pará, 66075-750, Brazil
Lab tags:
Fab Lab Belém is a non profit organization located in the Amazon forest region, north of Brazil. Our pourpose is democratize the access to digital fabrication and manual tools to achieve economical , social and technological development with sustainability, creating solutions to local and regional problems using renewable energies, education, open knowledge, free and open source software in inter and multidisciplinary ways.
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/161326217395967/
- https://www.facebook.com/fablabbelem
- http://www.fablabbelem.org
- https://github.com/fablabbelem
- https://www.twitter.com/fablabbelem
- https://www.instagram.com/fablabbelem
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/fablabbelem/
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser