FabLab Amersfoort
Heiligenbergerweg 34, Amersfoort, Utrecht, 3816AK, Netherlands
Lab Details
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Fablab Amersfoort is a bottom up grassroots Fablab. Four artists have decided to take matters into their own hands and not wait for funding, but start a Fablab in Amersfoort themselves. We use mostly self-built and open source machines. We plan to have our whole lab open source as soon as possible.

The focus of Fablab Amersfoort is on recycling of materials. We want to become a sustainable Fablab.
We are always looking for nice new people who want to figure out more ways of re-using materials for use in the machines of the lab.

This FabLab has regular opening hours (see our website). Visitors are expected to contribute something to the lab. It works as follows: On arrival each visitor pays € 50 in cash. Visitors who share their designs or their knowledge and skills can get the money refunded on departure. Sharing can be done for example by writing a FabPublication. Visitors who don't want to contribute (due to time constraints or other reasons) can contribute financially. For example for the maintenance or acquisition of new machines.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • CNC-Milling
  • Laser
  • Precision milling
  • Vinyl cutting
Dirk Van vreeswijk
FabLab Assistant
Pieter Diepen
Fab Lab Manager
Harmen Zijp
lab manager
Martin Dudok van Heel
Fab Lab Manager
Katrien van Riet
Fab Lab manager
DianaW Wildschut
founder and labmanager
Timo Ammerlaan
Matthijs Kooijman
Upcoming Events

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