Magisterio 550, Mexicali, Baja California, 21370, Mexico
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El Garage Project Hub s an education and innovation lab that designs and develops learning experiences through STEAM and Maker Education. We are located in Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico. We collaborate with the public and private sector, industries, government, institutions, non profit and international organizations; almost everyone that wants to make a positive change in education.
Our core and strongest program is a non profit initiative "Science against Violence", a social program which seeks to reduce all kinds of violence at low income communities through STEAM + Maker Education that help the kids and teens developing critical thinking, real problem solving, engagement, curiosity, collaboration, soft skills and above all, aspiring for self growth and continue their professional studies. This has been a live proof that when play and creativity are well directed, they can lead to a positive impact in the community and personal growth.
So, we focus 100% on promoting the STEAM and Maker approach. As we work with a wide variety of contexts and specific needs, we design and develop custom curriculum and activities based on the necesities and requirements of each site, always substantiated by educational content and defining learning objectives for each situation, that will lead to analyse and choose the best tools and methods to develop each program.
On the other hand, we strongly believe that the best way to create a positive and big impact is to change teachers mindset (The educational system in Mexico is very old, and doesnt provide a lot of support to the teachers professional development and it is not STEAM based). So we are offering PD workshops to the teachers and we are creating a community of collaboration among them.
- Impression 3D
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser