Montreuil, 2 Ã 20 avenue Allende, MOZINOR, Montreuil , 93106, France
Lab tags:
Based on the roof of an industrial zone of 50 SMEs (and 500 workers), Ecodesign Fab Lab is now open to address upcycling and eco-innovation, thanks waste collection, designers and classical wood equipment, but also 3D printers (and CNC equipment in the next weeks).
- http://www.wedemain.fr/A-Montreuil-un-fab-lab-circulaire-dans-une-usine-verticale_a421.html
- http://webtv.montreuil.fr/festival-m.u.s.i.c-et-fablab-video-415-12.html
- http://www.apedec.org
- 3D printing