R. Cap. Salomão, 26, 1º andar, São Paulo, São Paulo, 01034-020, Brazil
Lab tags:
Drone Lab Brasil was born as part of the Mirante Fab Lab, grew, became one of the focuses, gained independence and a life of its own to enable more and more achievements. Today, with almost 5 years immersed in this subject, the laboratory seeks to explore this technology in the most diverse ways, either in the search for outbreaks of the dengue mosquito with drones mounted for this purpose, or by recording aerial images to support social changes. With Drone Racing, we seek to explore sport, speed and agility, but we also use the potential of sport to bring people closer to technology, making the drone an experience. Democratizing access to technology is also about transfer knowledge through courses, lectures and educational kits, but also actively to participate in the discussions and debates between public authorities and civil society about the use of Drones as a tool. Finally, as a laboratory, we promote research, either by producing research with our own infrastructure, or in partnership with the scientific community.
- https://www.instagram.com/dronelabbrasil/
- http://www.dronelab.com.br
- https://www.facebook.com/dronelabbrasil
- 3D-Drucken
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Schneideplotten