Napoli, via Coroglio, 104, Napoli, Campania, 80124, Italy
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D.RE.A.M. - Design and REsearch in Advanced Manufacturing was created by Città della Scienza, the Science and Technology Park of the city of Naples, Italy.
It is an International Competence Centre dedicated to digital fabrication and the world of Industry 4.0. Set up as a huge laboratory/workshop, it is equipped with innovative machines and served by a team of experts in the fields of design, 3D printing, coding, electronics, robotics and automation.
Its areas of specialisation particularly focus on enabling technologies linked to robotic and additive manufacturing, to extracting meaning from Big Data and to the Internet of Everything, and their application to four industrial sectors: Fashion & Design, Biomedical, Architecture & Advanced Manufacturing and Cultural Heritage & Museum Installations.
D.RE.A.M. occupies an extensive area of over 1,000 sq.m. located on the grounds of Città della Scienza. In the pursuit of its activities, it avails itself of:
• a digital fabrication laboratory equipped with vanguard technology
• spacious training facilities;
• a dedicated coworking zone;
• areas for experimentation on innovative projects;
• training rooms and FabLabs for schools;
• start-up incubation spaces for manufacture 4.0-related enterprise.
The technological D.RE.A.M. centre is located in the Marie Curie pavilion which stretches over an area of more than 500 sq.m. situated in the heart of the Città della Scienza (City of Science): a fascinating place of great standing, it guards a prestigious industrial past which perfectly fits the new technological and productive calling of the modern Laboratory.
It also features our FabLab dei Piccoli (FabLab for little'uns), a special learning zone for families, schools and young makers who are provided with the chance to get up close to digital technology, teaching activities and dedicated junior laboratories.
As well as D.RE.A.M., Città della Scienza has recently worked to have Campania NewSteel set up. This is a huge certified incubator whose purpose is to rekindle the creation of innovative startups, attracting venture capital investment in the ICT field and in the manufacture 4.0 sector.
Another step along the way which furthers the strategy to launch digital fabrication is the International Centre for Technological Transfer, a structure sponsored by NETVAL, by the University of Studies of Naples Federico II, by the University of Bergamo and by Città della Scienza. The mutual aim is to lend support to the Italian research system as it moves inexorably towards internationalisation.
Brought into being by the project entitled "CDS 2.0 - new products and services for a knowledge-based economy" and funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research, D.RE.A.M. is a dedicated tool placed at the service of the national strategy for the re-industrialisation of Italy in line with the Italian Research Programme 2015-2020 and the National "Industry 4.0" Plan.
Its aim is to nurture the education and training of specialised human capital; to contribute to the dissemination of new digital technologies in the industrial sector, using open-innovation strategies and other means; to promote experimentation, development and the proliferation of innovative projects and startups in the field of Manufacturing 4.0.
This is the aspiration behind our D.RE.A.M Academy, - an international school intended to train talented youngsters for Industry 4.0 as well as for the host of capable individuals working in the universe of FabLabs, innovative companies, research centres, schools and universities.
The purpose of the Academy is to channel the innovative potential and the "scattered" pockets of achievement around us, providing them with a structured frame; this is of supreme importance, if we are to make the most of the opportunities that the new industrial revolution has to offer.
The aim of the course of study is to enhance creativity and technical competence in youngsters and to hone the design prowess of technicians and craftsmen who have, over the centuries, acted as fine ambassadors of Italy's greatness in the world.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting