sotuba ACI, rue des Armées, villa donilab, Bamako, Mali, 65, Mali
Lab tags:
Donifab is the first fablab in the Republic of Mali. it is an open and massive space entirely dedicated to the electronics and the computer science notably through the arduino platform. We have fairly complete kits, tools in quantity, an 3d printer and especially a friendly space with unlimited access to broadband internet that we make available to our community. We regularly organize face-to-face training sessions at our premises. We are also very active on social networks to reach more people. We have partnerships with fablab in Ivory Coast (Itechlab) and TCHAD.
We have the ambition to promote the maker culture in Mali to help our young people to move towards their sectors of the future.
I am the manager of this fablab, I am self taught in electronics and electronics. I participated in the coaching of the team of Malian collegians who participated and won the medal of the robotics contest competition in the USA in 2017.
I am also a member of the supervision team of Malian students who must participate in the PARC in Rwanda next March.
It is to say that we are very active in this area and we are doing our best for our community. Integrating this platform will enable us to build new relationships and thus be able to collaborate
- Impressão 3D