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Dolomiti Concept Lab
Taibon Agordino, via valentino besarel, Taibon Agordino, Belluno, 32027, Italy
Lab Details
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A place of social innovation, a space for meetings and work

A place to share knowledge and learn new ones.

The project was born as a meeting place for the education and the approach to the new

technology and informatics.

From the joint use bases of a computer programming, a trip

electronics to switch to the culture and development of the concept MAKERS.

Encourage children to be creative and encourage them in exposing ideas and projects to improve or introduce new methods for the promotion, environmentally sustainable development and promotion of the territory inventing or exploiting new and future proven and experimental technologies.


The creativity combined with the new technology will bring forth the future.
The future will grow with these new "small inventors".

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printen
  • CNC frezen
  • Printplaat productie
  • Laser Snijden/Graveren
  • Precisie frezen
  • Vinyl snijplotter
Giorgio Di Egidio
President of the association
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