9th Noavari St, Pardis Technology Park, Tehran, Pardis, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
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Designing based on Fabrication will Experiment everything of its Contemplation. ArchiFab is a Design and Fabrication Studio that Kind of Fabrication Along Experiencing it that we think will make up an Interaction between Designing and Fabrication. In this arena, we won’t be Surrounded or Limited to any Fields. We Gather Experimenting and Optimizing design and Fabrication Continuously. We Commence Planning from Intellectual storm by Utilization of Digital, Simulation, Fabricating sample and even Photography for processing Ideas to Consider new challenges and solve different dimensions of Question. A kind of Multidimensional Endless Contemplation.
ArchiFab studio first Contemplates Then Process and at the end will Fabricate as in its Exclusive Procedure and has no Ending and always Continues…
- http://info@archifab.ir
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/archifab-studio-0b6485160/
- https://www.instagram.com/archifab.ir/
- http://www.archifab.ir
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting