FabLab Romagna - sede di Rimini, Via Vittoria Colonna 10, Rimini, RN, 47923, Italy
Lab tags:
FabLab Romagna (FLR) is a Social Promotion Association with the aim of finding contact points between students, makers and businesses to promote creativity and the need to network.
It is the first FabLab born in the Italian public school as a result of a collaboration between the teachers of the "Blaise Pascal" Cesena and ITIG "Belluzzi - da Vinci" in Rimini who wanted to take advantage of the skills acquired during a career in ' teaching in something concrete and useful for the professional growth of their students. The Makerspace of Forlì (ITIS "G. Marconi" Forlì), the Galeata Makerspace (ITP Comandini di Galeata) and finally the Makerspace of Bagno di Romagna were added to the order, with the collaboration of the Public Administration.
They are part of the group at the University of Engineering and Informatics of Cesena and several collaborators outside MakerSpace.
The resources allocated to the Makerspace are available to students as well as to outsiders for the realization of their projects, including many school projects.
The main activities are focused on the production of software and the realization of circuits for each project, in the use and design of 3D printers, in the design and printing of objects in either 3D, plastic or ABS.
Some examples of projects completed in the FabLab Romagna are: Robots, Domotic Systems, Cube Led, and various applications for the Internet of Things and (IE) and more.
All of these projects are open source, with Creative Commons licenses, in order to facilitate sharing of ideas, skills and mutual help.
FabLab Romagna adopts "The Fab Charter" by M.I.T. American.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter