Vipusenkatu 5 A, Lahti, Suomi, Lahti, Päijät-Häme, 15230, Finland
Lab tags:
The SalpausFab has a wide variety of machines in a small sized room.
High quality laser and water cutters work in an office-like environment.
Our staff is specialized in 3D-modeling and printing.
Fablab has a small VR-room.
We welcome anybody interested in DIY to use our facilities, machines and learn the use of them. Best access is by previous contact to staff. Use of certain machines may be temporarily denied in case of security hazard.
Heavier machinery can be accessed in the same building, including:
Metal lathe and mills, welding, sheet metal working, plastic extrusion and molding as well as additional 3D-printers.
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter