721 Springfield Street, Dayton, OHIO, 45402, United States of America
Lab tags:
STEAM Works Labs is at its heart a place where tools, talents, and teamwork come together to foster innovation, the entrepreneurial sprit, and a collaborative community of passionate people following their imagination and dreams. We strive to connect the greater Miami Valley with Maker, Hacker, and Fabrication Lab spaces throughout Ohio, the Midwest and community spaces worldwide to leverage their talent and ideas in a mentor, apprentice, teaching and leading environment to further the communities and individuals interests, projects and problem solving.
The mission and vision of STEAM Works is to leverage community Innovation, foster technological Development and Entrepreneurship, through Apprentice/Mentor relationships using a shared set of tools, talent and teamwork. Lower the entry barriers to technology development and prototype manufacture for the masses through a collaborative entrepreneurial ecosystem. We like to think of it as Doing It Together, D.I.T., where people with the passion of creating gather to play, to learn, to teach, to invent, to innovate, to build things.
Provide a welcoming atmosphere where individuals feel comfortable to collaborate, create, innovate, refine and test their ideas in pursuit of their dreams. Foster entrepreneurial & maker culture through leveraging founders community connections enabling the layperson access to local government, research & business professional tools, talent & expertise.
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision