Antoon Catriestraat 6, Drongen, 9031, Belgium
Lab tags:
The maker space/fablab is organised by the non-profit De Creatieve STEM, and owned by Ingegno.be, which have their offices on the premises. The aim is to be the best Kids Maker Space, where also adults are welcome. Hours are variable: during the office hours, or saterday forenoon, or monday evenings.
For courses and events, see the events on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IngegnoMakerSpace/events
The main aim is to reach children aged 5 and older, with clubs up to 9 years, and 9 to 12. For older children, there are free project hours.
The Ingegno Maker Space is faithfull to the concept of a FabLab, a cooperative working space where inventors can use the collective infrastructure. Everbody welcome, also for free after a simple email to the maker space.
The fablab hosts an education course fabzero.eu. It also is a node for fabacademy.
- https://fabzero.eu
- https://maakbib.be
- https://www.facebook.com/IngegnoMakerSpace/
- https://decreatievestem.be/
- https://ingegno.be
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?