85B Promenade du Portage, Gatineau, Quebec, J8X 2K2, Canada
Lab tags:
The FabLab Onaki is the first indigenous Fab Lab in Canada and is in the heart of the national capital. Although it is open to all, offering services and resources are designed from an Aboriginal perspective.
Vision : That indigenous people have the same learning opportunities, development and employability that non-native (non-indigenous).
Mission : Develop digital skills (and personal (Soft Skills) of Aboriginal, contributing to their development and improve employability with a workshop and Fab Lab principles.
Goals FabLab Onaki
Facilitate access to knowledge and digital machines mainly, but not exclusively, to Aboriginal people.
Enable Aboriginal peoples to achieve their full potential and be fully involved in society today.
Strengthen confidence in a challenging and rewarding environment.
Bridging the Gap between Peoples.
Provide opportunities to modernize the art and indigenous knowledge through the use of digital technologies. Valuing culture and indigenous knowledge.
Developing social entrepreneurship, with values similar to those of Aboriginal people.
Laser cutter :Trotec Speedy 300 (35 Watts), Trotec Rayjet.
3D printers: Ultimaker 3, CR-10 S5, Formlabs 2.
3D Scanner: EinScan Pro 2X.
CNC: D23-LT (2'x3') and B1-44M (4'x4') by CanCam.
Electronic station: Arduino kits, Heating Station.
Woodworking Tools: Planer, Miter Saw, Belt & Disc Sander, Oscillating Spindle Sander, Drill Press, MIDI Lathe, Cabinet Saw.
Power Tools: Heat Gun, Drills, Sander, Saw, Jigsaw.
Sewing Machines: Singer Heavy Duty.
Embroidery Machines: Brother SE600.
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Découpe Vinyle