Fab Lab Armenia Education Foundation
77 Moldovakan street, Dilijan, Tavush, 3905, Armenia
Lab Details
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Fab Lab Armenia is part of an open global community of educators, artists, engineers, scientists, software developers, students, professionals, tinkerers, and curious minds. Together, we want to push creative limits, imagine the impossible, and solve real problems through innovation. Inspired by the model set out by MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, we bridge the gap between local people and world-leading technologies so that anyone and everyone is empowered to create, invent, and problem-solve. Through easy access to modern digital manufacturing technologies, with open-source software, the Lab throws the door wide open for learning through experimentation. It’s a playground for project-based learning for students, lifelong educational and upskilling opportunities for people of any age, and innovative product development and entrepreneurship for local businesses.

For Armenia, this is a powerful tool for problem-solving and community transformation on a local level, in terms of education, business development, and connection. But it’s also about making a statement on the global stage, as Fab Lab Dilijan becomes known for insights, discoveries, observations, and innovations that have the power to solve human problems in the bigger picture.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D-Drucken
  • CNC-Fräsen
  • Leiterplattenherstellung
  • Laserschneiden/-gravieren
  • Präzisionsfräsen
  • Schneideplotten
Babken Chugaszyan
CEO Fab Lab Armenia Education Foundation
Rudolf Igityan
Fab Academy support Instructor and Lab Engineer Lead for Open Source Machine Building
Jacqueline Karaaslanian
Founding Board Member
Anoush Arshakyan
Support Instructor and Creative Content Developer Lead for Fabricademy projects.
Maxime Richard
Fab Academy Support Instructor and Pedagogical Content Developer
Upcoming Events

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