Rahul Gautam
Joined about 7 years ago.Bio
I'm Rahul Gautam, An Engineer by profession. I've done my graduation from Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad ( 2013-2017 ), with Electronics and Communication as my Trade.
Currently, I am working as Managing Director at Exeliq Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd.
My aim is to capture one of the largest market shares in Custom Embedded and Automation Solutions Nationally. My passion for this field started about 5 years ago. I was part of the team that represented AKGEC in various National and International Events. I along with my team have participated in Robotics Competitions (ROBOCON 2014,15,16,17, SUPRA 2015,16, NI-Yantra), Winning National Innovation Award in SAE SUPRA 2016 and Winner in Anveshna 15. I have been a keynote speaker at several prominent technology workshops throughout my career and I have been featured in Research papers in IJEEE ISSN 2321-2055.
I have served as Judge in " Make tomorrow for Innovation Generation." event hosted by Intel, NitiAyog (Govt. of India) & Atal Tinkering Labs collaboratively.
I have also served as a Local Instructor at AKGEC FABLAB during the FAB ACADEMY 2019 Cycle.
My key focus is driving Research & Development and push the efficiency benchmark. I am a perfect combination of understanding Mechanical as well as Embedded Hardware Engineering, tending towards creating and delivering cutting edge solutions.
Works at:
- AKGEC FABLAB - Fabacademy Instructor