May El-Dardiry

Joined about 9 years ago.

Graduated from Ain Shams University, I am the Fab Lab Operations manager at Giza Systems Education Foundation. I graduated from Mechatronics Department and got my Masters of Engineering degree in automation field. I am a Fab Academy Graduate and I have been working in the field of Education, Digital Fabrication and Fab Labs in more than 5 years. Making, Teaching and travelling are my passions and combining them is my ultimate goal.
She served as the Fab Lab manager and training lead at Egypt STEM Schools, a Teaching assistant in AUC, One of the founding team at Ihyaa Academy, Academic Program manager at ACES. Now, She manages several Fab Lab Projects in Giza Systems Foundation including Fab Lab New Cairo and Fab Lab on Wheels.

Works at:
May El-Dardiry updated Fab Lab in New Cairo (FLiNC)
over 7 years ago
May El-Dardiry was added as Education Program Manager at Fab Lab in New Cairo (FLiNC)
about 8 years ago
May El-Dardiry applied to be listed as an employee at Fab Lab in New Cairo (FLiNC)
about 8 years ago
May El-Dardiry signed up
about 9 years ago