Lemuel Clark Velasco
Joined about 9 years ago.Bio
Industry 4.0 Champion
Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative Professional Fellow
Faculty of the Department of Information Technology
Researcher of Information Systems
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology
Iligan City, The Philippines
- http://www.msuiit.edu.ph/faculty-staff/detail.php?empid=2010-041
- https://www.facebook.com/archiemordechai
- https://scholar.google.com.ph/citations?user=D5qo8fUAAAAJ&hl=en
- https://wdi-publishing.com/authors/334/
Works at:
- UP CFA Fablab - FAB LAB Consultant
- LIKHA FabLab - FAB LAB Consultant
- CIT-U MakerSpace - FAB LAB Consultant
- Animo Labs Technology Business Incubator - FAB LAB Consultant
- FAB LAB Manila - FAB LAB Consultant