Keith Lam

Joined about 9 years ago.

承繼 Fab & Craft 的精神,LAB by Dimension Plus 是「個人製造」(Self-fabrication) 的文創開放空間。在 LAB by Dimension Plus 的空間會有不同的機器包括雷射切割機、3D 打印機及基本工具等,讓個人可以使用從而參與各種實驗與創造,創作出各種「個人製造」的東西。個人製造的成品可以在這裡與人分享,而這裡更是一個社區,以 Fab 之名跨界連結不同的人,為空間有機地衍生各樣的活動,遇上不同的個人製造者進行各種交流。
LAB by Dimension Plus 也會邀請各路創客主持工作坊、展覽、演出、講座及沙龍等。正如 Fab Lab 創辦人 Neil Gershenfeld 說,在 Fab Lab 裡 “You Can Make (almost) Anything!”。只要有好的想法,你就可以讓它逐漸成形,做你想做的!這裡等待各位充滿想法的 Makers 來,利用我們的工具和空間,把無限的創意和想像力變成實體!

A maker space based in Hong Kong, Lab by Dimension Plus is an open space of self-fabrication. Here with various kind of machines including laser cut machine, 3D printer, and some more basic fabrication tools, letting people create and process experiment, produce all kinds of "self-fabricated" work. This is a community as well, people shares and exchange ideas, connecting people from various kind of discipline, organise activities organically.
We also host various kind of workshop, exhibition , performance, seminar and salon etc. Just like what Neil Gershenfeld said , “You Can Make (almost) Anything!” in fab lab. With a brilliant idea, you can make it real! Come and fabricate your ideas in real here with us and other makers!

Works at:
Keith Lam updated LAB by Dimension Plus
over 8 years ago
Keith Lam updated LAB by Dimension Plus
over 8 years ago
Keith Lam signed up
about 9 years ago