Alexandro Costa

Joined almost 8 years ago.

Portuguese language

Pesquisador de tecnologias, responsável pelo GEEA (Grupo de Estudos em Eletrônica e Arduino - Raul Hacker Club), Gurú do FabLab de Camaçari, palestrante de IOT (Internet das coisas), realiza projetos embarcados de automação e robótica, projetos para otimizar o a cultura da hidroponia automatizada e limpa, consultorias e cursos online.

Nos momentos livres, realizando trabalhos sociais aos jovens do interior da Bahia, ensinando a eletrônica, linguagem de programação e a cultura da hidroponia para construirem suas tecnologias e assim criarem soluções para sua cidade e para sua vida.

English language

Researcher of technologies, responsible for GEEA (Group of Studies in Electronics and Arduino - Raul Hacker Club), Guru of FabLab de Camaçari, speaker of the IOT (Internet of Things), realizes embedded projects of automation and robotics, projects to optimize the culture of automated and clean hydroponics, consultancies and online courses.

In the free moments, doing social work to the young people of the interior of Bahia, teaching electronics, programming language and hydroponics culture to build their technologies and thus create solutions for your city and your life.

Works at:
Alexandro Costa was added as Fab Lab Guru at Fab Lab Camassary
over 7 years ago
Alexandro Costa applied to be listed as an employee at Fab Lab Camassary
almost 8 years ago
Alexandro Costa signed up
almost 8 years ago