Alessio Nanni
Joined about 6 years ago.Bio
Artist Creative. and activist with many passions, from Activist. Environmentalist. Animal Rights. Human Rights ,Political Interests . to environmentalism to MicroNations Blogger & Social Influencer -Alessio is currently working on a series of projects to raise awareness and accelerate changes that would protect the entire planet’s inhabitants, both humans and animals. He is founder of a political party in Italy working for animal rights, and seeks to one day establish a seastead to advance the party’s objectives through demonstration instead of argument.
Founder. Coordinator. President. of Partito EcoAnimalista
UN Invito A Partecipare E sostenere Il Progetto Politico del Partito EcoAnimalista è aperto ad adesioni ed iniziative dirette a promuovere un mondo migliore. Un mondo, cioè, in cui prevalgano il rispetto per la natura e per l'ambiente in cui viviamo ed il rispetto per le creature animali quali esseri viventi, senzienti ed amici dell'uomo. In sintesi : un mondo ideale che diventa reale con l'impegno di tutti.
Ambassador for Italy Of The Seasteading Institute
The Seasteading Institute believes that innovative political systems could serve humanity far better than our governments do today.
That’s why we work to enable “seasteads”—floating cities—which will give people the opportunity to peacefully test new ideas about how to live together. The most successful will become thriving new societies—inspiring change around the world.
Creative Project Manager
Blue Med Islands L.t.d Creative Agency
Project management, Construction Projects of the ecological floating stations , Creative Service , Innovation Services and "Promoting the competitiveness of transport systems, supporting research, technology transfer, collaboration between research centers, universities and businesses, spreading innovation among companies in order to favoring employment, the ecological floating stations as well as the innovative transport system can offer a range of services ranging from hotels, restaurants, bars and offices, all made respecting the environment. It is our belief that humanity should start looking for innovative solutions in the sea and oceans .
Creative Project Agent .T.E.M.E.A.Project
Trans Express Mediterranean Europe _ Africa.
_ Floating City/Islands _ New Transport System _ Ocean/ Sea Economy - Mediterranean
Trans Express Mediterranean Europe _ Africa.
A new Transport system with Drones Autonomy.
The project involves the development of a transport system with a system of autonomous and safe flying drones. and Islands stations / ecological floats. Used for anchoring boats and ships. the autonomous drone flies with people from one floating station to the next.
The oceans and the sea as a solution for human and ecological progress.
Configurable Station System #ConfigurebleRouteSystem
The Cooperation is the Essence of the Evolution "
Unleash your creativity and help change the world "
Take part concretely in the Construction of the. project
Founder. Coordinator. President. of Partito EcoAnimalista
UN Invito A Partecipare E sostenere Il Progetto Politico del Partito EcoAnimalista è aperto ad adesioni ed iniziative dirette a promuovere un mondo migliore. Un mondo, cioè, in cui prevalgano il rispetto per la natura e per l'ambiente in cui viviamo ed il rispetto per le creature animali quali esseri viventi, senzienti ed amici dell'uomo. In sintesi : un mondo ideale che diventa reale con l'impegno di tutti.
_ T.E.M.E.A.Project Trans Express Mediterranean Europe _ Africa.
Smart City / Floating Islands _ Drones _ Tecnology _
a New transport system _ # Collaborative # Economics
The TEMEA Project proposes a new way to move people and things. imagining flying machines and autonomous cargo drones in the Blue skies #TEMEA #AirMobility #Ocean #Earth #Space #Drones #Tecnology #Seasteading #BlueEconomy #OceanEconomy
Strategic Partnership "
if you are are interested in joining us and supporting us.
We decided to start a “Strategic Partnership Development Program”
The Ocean and the Sea, precursors of the Exploration of Space
. Exploration and the oceans have many of the same challenges encountered in space exploration projects. The TEMEA Project can play a role in the development and cooperation of safe and efficient techniques for human exploration of the oceans. analogous to the exploration of the Space. The Blue Economy is the Ocean Economy development with the principles of social inclusion, environmental sustainability and innovative and dynamic projects .
Our mission:
Accelerate international sustainable development and advance the ‘Green / Blue Economy’.
Influence positively and accelerate. with service and training solutions. a new way for the Ocean / Earth / Space movement.
"We shape the future of architecture and technology of the floating city
"It participates concretely in the construction of the project
The project involves the development of a transport system with a system of autonomous and safe flying drones. and Smart City / Floating Islands / Ecological Used for anchoring boats and ships the autonomous drone flies with people from one station to the next Station.
FaceBook Official Page
The T.E.M.E.A project is a new form of development, Transport system, tourism, commerce and the "Ocean Economy", the next frontier of humanity.
Configurable Station System #ConfigurebleRouteSystem
The plan is to build 13 Floating Stations / SmartCity with 60 meters of side. 5 levels / floors. apartments offices. Warehouses and maintenance of exhibition areas. Public areas and services.5 levels. Apartments of 15 _ 25_ 50_ square meters. Offices of 50 _ 100 square meters. Warehouse and Maintenance Areas. Medical Assistance, Exhibition Area Logistics Area "Rescue Unit Public Areas and Services" Drone Airport and Logistics and a Fleet of 500 Drones With Autonomous Mobility.
Cooperation is the essence of evolution "
to support the development of the Project
Support the TEMEA project , participate with your creativity and help change the world #CollaborativeEconomy
Support with voluntary activities and dissemination
or with PayPal to this Andress:
TSI The Seasteading Institute Ambassador Alessio Nanni is hosting a workshop on Nov 3 2018 on the T.E.M.E.A. project to build floating stations in the Mediterranean.
# Future #FloatingCity #Architecture #Technolgy #SmartMobility
#SmartCity #OceanEconomy #BlueEconomy #BlueRevolution #Mediterranean #Europe #Africa #Mobility #Drones #Salviamoilmare #ConfigurebleRouteSystem
#EconomiaDelMare #Smartmed #Mediterraneo #SmartMediterranean #BlueJobs #Mediterranean #DroMed #CryptoCurrency #TokenGeneration #Token #TEMEAproject #LongTermEconomy #BlueEconomy #DeepEcology #Ethernum #OceanEconomy #Blockchain #Crypto #Exchange #FloatingCity #FloatingStations #Investment #Sesteading #
TEMEA Collaborative Economics Project
TEMEA Project Global Social Venture
TEMEA Project Mediterranean Drones Airport System
Strategic Partnership Development TEMEA Project
Technological Partnerships TEMEA Project
NetWork Global Social Venture TEMEA Project
The Oceans and Sea as a Solution for Human and Ecological Progress.
. The TEMEA Project proposes a new way to move people and things. imagining flying machines and autonomous cargo drones in the Blue skies #TEMEA #AirMobility #Ocean #Earth #Space #Drones #Tecnology #Seasteading #BlueEconomy #OceanEconomy
1 Alfa Station Air Drones Port System
2 Aphrodrite Station Air Drones Port System
3 Atlantis Station Air Drones Port System
4 Calypso Station Air Drones Port System
5 Neptunes Station Air Drones Port System
6 Nimph Station Air Drones Port System
7 Oceanus Station Air Drones Port System
8 Omicron Station Air Drones Port System
9 Pharus Station Air Drones Port System
10 Poseidon Station Air Drones Port System
11 Proteus Station Air Drones Port System
12 Pulsar Station Air Drones Port System
13 Triton Station Air Drones Port System
Checkout the map Maps Air Drones Port Configureble Route System
Thanks for Yours Attention Welcome On Board
the Crew Team
Alessio Nanni
CEO Blue Med Islands L.T.D
Ambassador The Seasteading Institute Italy
- https://www.facebook.com/DropMed-Token-Generation-Event-TEMEA-Project-2706381219587023/
- https://www.facebook.com/transexpressmediterraneaneuropeafrica/
Works at:
- SpΔce ΔquΔ LΔb " TrΔining _ Network _ Δgency - Creative Lab Director