Ântoni Cristiano Romitti

Joined about 9 years ago.

Ântoni Cristiano Romitti

Técnico em Mecatrônica, é membro fundador do Fab Lab Cuiabá-MT, co-coordenador da Rede Fab Lab Brasil e co-founder/CTO do Instituto Fab Lab Brasil. É Fab Guru em Fab LAB Facens, onde também cursa Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Em 2016 colaborou no projeto de extensão APROEX 02 -IFSC campus de Chapecó, em 2020 colaborou no desenvolvimento e fabricação digital das peças para a exposição "Entre bits, átomos e afetos" do Estudio Guto Requena no SESC Sorocaba-S, participou do desenvolvimento e prototipagem do painel da cápsula Soyuz TMA-8, a qual levou o primeiro astronauta brasileiro Marcos Pontes ao espaço. Tem como objetivo tornar o Brasil referência mundial no conceito Fab Lab.


Technician in Mechatronics, he is a founding member of Fab Lab Cuiabá-MT, co-coordinator of Rede Fab Lab Brasil and co-founder/CTO of Instituto Fab Lab Brasil. He is Fab Guru at Fab LAB Facens, where he is also studying Architecture and Urbanism. In 2016 he collaborated in the extension project APROEX 02 -IFSC campus de Chapecó, in 2020 he collaborated in the development and digital fabrication of the pieces for the exhibition "Between bits, atoms and affections" by Estudio Guto Requena at SESC Sorocaba-S, participated in the development and panel prototyping of the Soyuz TMA-8 capsule, which took the first Brazilian astronaut Marcos Pontes to space. It aims to make Brazil a world reference in the Fab Lab concept.

Works at:
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
10 months ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 1 year ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
about 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 2 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Smart Mall
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Smart Mall
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
about 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti was added as CTO - Co-Founder IFLB at INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti applied to be listed as an employee at INSTITUTO FAB LAB BRASIL
over 3 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
about 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
over 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Smart Mall
over 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Smart Mall
over 4 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
almost 5 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab LAB Facens
about 5 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
over 5 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
almost 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti was added as Manager at FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti applied to be listed as an employee at FabLab Cuiabá-BR
about 6 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab Lab Vitória
over 7 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti updated Fab Lab Vitória
over 7 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti was added as Fab Manager at Fab LAB Facens
about 9 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti applied to be listed as an employee at Fab LAB Facens
about 9 years ago
Ântoni Cristiano Romitti signed up
about 9 years ago