Fablab Malta is part of a global The Fab Foundation network of more than 1000 Fab Labs worldwide, based in local communities and educational institutions. The first Fab Lab (fablabvalletta) was introduced into Malta the same year by Architecture Project (AP), an award‐winning architecture and design practice, and Demajo Group, one of Malta’s largest and most successful corporate organisations, initially to provide digital fabrication facilities for the European Architecture Student’s Assembly (EASA), a network made up of architecture students from all over Europe and beyond. EASA was held in Valletta and brought together 500 design students, graduates and tutors, who worked together in a self‐sustaining community.
Fablab Malta then evolved as a bottom‐up movement to help facilitate hands‐on design and innovation by creating a vaster open‐source inventory of tools and contacts within the maker community in Malta and a budding design cluster.
Today, Fablab Malta is the national umbrella body which coordinates the development of Fab Labs on the islands delivering the global Fab Foundation concept in Malta while operating based on the FabLab BeNeLux administrative model, customized slightly to adhere to the local community needs, as well as the country's laws and regulations.
Our Vision:
Fablab Malta, will be known as a robust community of Fab Labs who have dramatically advanced interest and participation in science and technology careers, collectively created a new generation of entrepreneurs, inventors and artisans; and proactively reunited education and training, art and the artisan, industrial production, and personal expression nation-wide – all contributing to the bright future of Maltese innovation.
Our Mission:
Fablab Malta acts as the controlling body regarding fair use and quality assurance of the Fab Lab registered trademark (IaaC) in the Republic of Malta.
A makerspace in Malta will become a member of Fablab Malta, thus part of the Fab Foundation network, if adhere itself to the Fab Foundation Charter and Fablab Malta's Terms & Conditions.
Fablab Malta runs the website www.fablab.mt and www.fablabmalta.org which gives information about all fablabs on the island.
Fablab Malta runs centralised membership system, which gives standardized access to all member fablabs on the islands.