Institut Ucac-Icam, Campus de Douala, 5504 Akwa, Douala, littoral, 5504, Cameroon
Lab tags:
The ucac-icam fablab in yansoki douala Cameroon, with the help of the Orange foundation. Designed for pedagogical activities, outreach and entrepreneurial activities for local people.
The fablab was inaugurated in november 2020 and has around 150m² packed with digital fabrication machines. The lab is equipped with FDM 3D printers, SLA 3D printers, CO2 laser cutter, Fiber laser cutter, CNC machining, vinyl cutter, heat press, embroidery machines, Fabric printer, electronic prototyping tools.
As part of our collaboration with the Orange foundation, we offer free training for digital fabrication using woodworking activities and digital fabrication using textile activities insite. Contact us to know more about it.
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser
- Cortadora de vinilo