502 Business Parkway, Richardson, Texas, 75081, United States of America
Lab tags:
Located in Richardson, Texas, USA, we are a unique makerspace destination for all ages, offering children’s STEM camps, classes, and parties and adult enrichment for personal or professional skills development, with a focus on those seeking “new collar” jobs.
We are actively working to be in alignment with all the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Our five priority goals are 4-Quality Education, 5-Gender Equality, 8-Decent Work & Economic Growth, 9-Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure, 12-Responsible Consumption & Production.
- https://www.linkedin.com/company/workchops/
- https://www.instagram.com/workchopsdal/
- https://twitter.com/workchopsdal
- https://www.facebook.com/workchopsdal/
- https://workchops.org/
- Stampa 3D
- Fresatura CNC
- Produzione di circuiti
- Incisione e taglio laser
- Taglio vinile