Pabal, Maharashtra, 412403, India
Lab tags:
Technology Development in response to COVID ( Using expertise in Digital Fabrication as situation emerges )
1. Face shields -
- Adopted Face shield Design from Open source and started manufacturing at Fab Lab.
- 7000+ face shield delivered to hospitals and police so far.
- DIY Instructions prepared and circulated widely.
- Webinar for DST ( Govt.of India) supported NGOs for production of Face shield and masks was conducted.
2. Sanitation Chamber:
- DIY instructions published for Makers
- One prototype made and installed on campus.
3. Aerosol box for doctors:
- It was adopted from open source and delivered to Nobel Hospital in Pune against requirement of doctors.
4. Handheld UV sanitation Device
5. Education : Online classes for returning migrants :
- Online ‘Entrepreneurship Development program’ for 200+ youth in the areas poultry, food processing, computer based livelihood opportunities etc. was conducted for youth willing to stay back in village.
6. Communication and counseling:
- For our alumni entrepreneurs and technicians, we have made precautions related to their occupations.
- Occupation Safety instructions for Poultry farmer, vegetable vendors, fabricator, Dairy men, electrician is made in Marathi and Hindi languages. It is widely circulated by many NGOs.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Schneideplotten