Rue du marche, Kourou, Guyane, 97310, France
Lab tags:
Station K is maker space focus on numerical tools such as application using spacecraft and technology link with industry 4.0. We do apply the fablab charter and we share the "learn, Make Share" philosophy.
Station K will be inaugurated by the end of the year; it will include 2 makers space, one for software application (3D, BIM, VR, spacecraft application) and for controllers uses (including drone, VR helmets, smart eyeglass, cameras), a second one more focused on prototyping with traditionnal fablab tools.
A third area will be dedicated for "sharing" purpose :
We will organise meeting with engineer, students, start up, designer and customers around numerical technology, social needs, innovating solutions, project mangement so as to create a constructive and innovative echange. We are based in french guiana and needs are really specific.
This area will be also used to performed "materclass" driven by engineer or expert and accessible for anyone who want to get experience on particular skills.
Then, station K is closed to college / school and workshops will be organized with students on numerical tools and spacecraft applications.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação