Calle sor Francisca Almendáriz, s/n, Cartagena, Murcia, 30202, Spain
Lab tags:
It is a FabLab born in the heart of the Polytechnic University of Cartagena. Coordinated by the SEDIC, Industrial Design and Scientific Calculation Service, integrated into the SAIT, Technological Research Support Service. This central service offers services to different research groups, departments, students, public or private companies and external staff within the scope of the university.
The FabLab aims to facilitate access to these services to all potential users outside or not the university community to develop and materialize their ideas and projects.
SEDI-Cup-ct will make available to users the different digital manufacturing technologies (large format printing, 3D scanning, additive manufacturing, laser cutting, CNC machining, electronic workshop, ...). In addition, SEDI-Cup-ct gives access to training and workshops oriented to these technologies, and informative activities to promote the approach of society to the FabLab network.
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle