Hakimia. Rudaini St., Science Camp Facility, Basra, Basra, 61001, Iraq
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Who Are We?
Science Camp (the Iraqi Makerspace), is the Iraqi version of the Global Maker Movement, and a part of the global network of maker spaces. Science Camp was founded in 2013 in Basra, Southern of Iraq. It was built on a 200m2 land by re-using old military caravans and 2 steel sheds. The camp’s indoor facilities are well-equipped with the following:
A. Facilities:
-4 Axis Mill-Turn lathe CNC
- Full-bed Plasma CNC
- Full-bed 4 Axis ATC (Automatic Tool Change) Router CNC
- 40x40 cm 4 Axis Router CNC (for small metal works)
- 90x120 cm double-headed CO2 Laser CNC
- Vinyl cutter
- 3D printers
- Multi-functions wood machines
B. Service:
- Research and Development (R&D) services
- Entrepreneurship training and consultancy
- Robotics manufacturing services
- Digital fabrication
C. Workshops:
- Polymer and chemical lab
- Collection of electrical and hand tools
- Electronics and Arduino workshop
- Plastic recycling equipment
- Software and programming services, fine and digital art services and conceptual designs
(Knowing that Science Camp is now self-sustainable for clean water, and started to implement plastic recycling services)
The available resources help in following the global technology standards, as well as; the equipped maker space will serve as a Research and Development and training center to help the community individuals to be qualified for the job market or launching their start-ups.
Our facility is opened all around the week to those who are interested in many fields of our job, from different backgrounds and ages. We share Technology within the "Open Source" culture by mentoring, training, making, and researching activities. Our main theme is "Digital Fabrication" which is the procedure of converting "ideas" into "tangible objects" through the digital 3D designing and digital manufacturing CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design/ Computer-Aided Manufacturing). Moreover, we do Arduino-related projects (electronics, programming, and software). In addition to the "hand skills" in different materials, such as wood, polymers, and metal, in fine and digital art, the human artistic field, and recycling.
The local community in Basra and all over Iraq (of entrepreneurs, STEM enthusiasts, and private sector, innovators, developers, artists) is an essential component of our supporting team that gives us the energy to keep up what we’re doing. In addition to the individuals joining in different projects, services, and events we hold, organize, or participate in.
Our Vision:
Iraq undergoes to a massive transformation in many fields, we, as Iraqis would take part of these procedures in the fields we’re experts in Technology and economy, as well as to other critical fields when it's needed, by introducing the Technology and Art entrepreneurship to Iraq, that peacefully strengthen the society. Our vision is to employ the technology to create local entrepreneurs, qualified enough to
launch their own start-ups, analogously to similar experiences in other countries. Also, mindset change and cultural shift is our way to implement our participation in the transformation. We’re working on fixing the local issues of unhealthy youth immigration phenomenon, which we understand as an issue rather than a healthy international exchange activity.
- 3D-Drucken
- CNC-Fräsen
- Leiterplattenherstellung
- Laserschneiden/-gravieren
- Präzisionsfräsen
- Schneideplotten