18 rue Albert Lougnon, Village d'entreprises Nord, Parc Technor, Sainte Clotilde, FRANCE, 97490, Réunion
Lab tags:
runFabLab is housed in a 13-room cloistered building spread over 250 square meters. The detail of the structure is :
_ 2 sanitary facilities with shower :-) ;
_ 1 stock room ;
_ 1 room for chemical purpose ;
_ 1 room for electronic designing ;
_ 1 room for vinyl and textile ;
_ 1 room for 3D printing ;
_ 1 room for laser and CNC process ;
_ 1 room for manual activities/assembling/finishing ;
_ 1 conference and meeting room ;
_ 1 administration room ;
_ 1 room for a special technical education program in partnership with the Orange Foundation ;
- 3D printen
- CNC frezen
- Printplaat productie
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Precisie frezen
- Vinyl snijplotter