2nd Street, north Kargar, dovom st., Pars university, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Lab tags:
Pars IoCAD, which is short for Pars Institute of Computation Aided Design, is a fabrication laboratory based in Pars university of architecture and art in Tehran. Three curious students establish this fab-lab in October 2017.
our activities are mostly an attempt to fabricate what we learn and what is the newest method in the realm of digital fabrication and computational design. We are always open to new ideas and new methods and will be eager to share it with others. Due to experimental aspects of some of our fabrications, we call them DIY (Design/Do It Yourself). Since now beneath projects have done with many interested students.
- Pars university pavilion
- DIY 01 Egg crate
- DIY 02 Folded Panel
- DIY 03 Bended Panel
- FABFEST 2018, Westminster University, Fabrication competition
we also have another part which tries to utilize electronic devices into artworks and architecture details and we call this part Architeronic a combination of Architecture and Electronic.
- http://www.parsiocad.ir
- http://www.parsuniversity.ir/list/?refer=106
- https://www.instagram.com/pars.iocad/?hl=en
- http://t.me/pars_iocad
- 3D printing
- Laser