Viale dell'Industria 19, PADOVA, PD, 35129, Italy
Lab tags:
FabLab is like an hybrid between workshop, research and development laboratory and handmade shop, where is possible creating anything, starting from a simple file made with a specific software. Officine Digitali ZIP wants to be the innovation hub and meeting point for all the makers and aspiring ones, to whom wants to apply and learn the possibilities of IoT (Internet of Things), Virtual and Augmented Reality, 3D Printing and Open Source Hardware.
‘Officine Digitali ZIP – FabLab Padova’ is a fabrication laboratory where you can realize whatever prototype, conceived to spread digital technologies and to allow a project implementation going through “from the idea, to the prototype till the product development”.
Fablab Services:
• Design and technical consulting
• Education on new technologies
• Start-up support services
Fablab Technologies and instrumentation:
• 3D Printers
• 3D Scanners
• 3D Modeling softwares
• Laser cutters
• CNC milling machines
• Virtual and augmented Reality systems
• IoT Internet of Things systems
• Opensource and commercial electronic programming boards
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle