Lenin Hills, possession 1, p. 77 , Moscow, Russia, 119992, Russian Federation
Lab tags:
Center for Youth Innovation Creativity and Prototyping at Moscow State University Science Park is focused on work with pupils and students to familiarize them with the capabilities of modern equipment and engaging in scientific and technical activities. The center was created on the model of a network of centers Fablab provocation. Opportunities Center help you develop skills of 3D modeling, 3D printing and digital production, sufficient for prototyping of innovative products and business models. Thus, students have the opportunity not only to develop new devices, but also to make their prototypes with the help of experienced engineers and designers, making the next logical step to the market.
As part of the center of youth work designers, inventors and qualified teachers.
Goals and objectives:
The main goal of the Center - provide opportunities for children and young people to fulfill themselves in scientific and technical work.
The tasks of the center:
Providing young people to rapid prototyping and implementation of engineering projects and ideas
Attracting young people to study and practical application of advanced technologies
Development of innovative entrepreneurship
- https://sciencepark.ru/tsmit/fotogalereya
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/cmitMSU/
- https://vk.com/cmitsciencepark
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Production de C.I.
- Découpe/Gravure Laser
- Fraiseuse de précision
- Découpe Vinyle