Quai Lucien Toulmond, Martigues, Bouches du Rhône, 13500, France
Lab tags:
Présentation en vidéo : https://dai.ly/x87kfi5
Le Martigues'FABLAB accueille tous les publics, en groupe ou en individuel, pour découvrir ou prototyper, sur des créneaux ouvert à tous, tels que définis par trimestre sur le site internet www.ville-martigues.fr
Le Martigues'FABLAB propose de faire découvrir et vulgariser les techniques et méthodes de fabrication numérique telles que la modélisation et l’impression 3D, le design 2D et la découpe / gravure, la broderie numérique, le thermoformage, la programmation simple, la documentation des objets, ainsi que l’écosystème des objets libres (open source hardware), au travers l’accueil du public et une offre d’ateliers publiés sur le site www.ville-martigues.fr
The Martigues FabLab opens its doors to all publics (children, adolescents, adults and seniors) who want to familiarize themselves with digital Fabrication laboratory’s techniques.
Moments for free productions are offered each week. The space is open in the afternoon or in the evenings according to the schedule of the Espaces Publics Numériques.
Each person can come to discover the tools, talk to other users, discuss a personal project, acquire new skills and use the equipment during this opening time.
Access to the Martigues FabLab is supervised by a digital mediator who offers advice and provides personalized training on machine tools and computer-aided design software.
Each project carried out within the Martigues FabLab is documented and made available to the community (project sheet, 3D files, vector files, etc.)
Moments of collective workshop are regularly organize in the Martigues FabLab. These moments allow the public to deepen their knowledge on targeted themes. (For example: FDM printing, vector design, 3D design, etc.)
The Martigues Fablab is also a content creator. Throughout the year, we enrich a catalog of educational resources on Fabrication laboratory’s theme (tutorials, activity booklet step by step, documentation and various informations). These resources are free and available to the public.
In the coming months, access times for free productions will continue each week. According to the schedule of the Digital Public Spaces : on Monday evening, Wednesday afternoon and Friday afternoon.
Moments of Manufacturing and education’s time on machines tools will organized during a collective workshops. To learn playful, children can participate to chocolate mold-making workshop. They will learn how a 3D printer works, how to mold it and use a thermoformer to make their own chocolate mold.
In a second time. Children can learn about the production chain of digital embroidery. During a workshop, they will learn to use a computer-assisted embroidery machine and its tools. They will making an embroidered keyring from old fabric. A good workshop for recycling education and new technologies.
In few week, we will gather parents, children and grandparents for a adhesive sticker workshop. As a family, the public will learn, for example, to distinguish between Bitmap and vector, to create a 2D vector design and to set up a vinyl cutting plotter to cut their projects.
- 3D printen
- Laser Snijden/Graveren
- Vinyl snijplotter