L'ETANG, LEMPZOURS, 24800, France
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The "Lieu du Faire" is an association established in rural areas, where technology is scarce.
The purpose of this association is...
- to create, manage and animate, a workshop offering to the public, tools including digital manufacturing.
- to promote popular education through the development of analytical and design capacities and the manufacture or modification of technological or other objects;
- to foster the dissemination and transmission of skills and knowledge;
- to offer training accessible to as many as possible on specific topics, free of charge or onerous;
- to facilitate technical, economic, social and environmental innovation and experimentation through practice;
- to encourage responsible and sustainable actions in interaction with the technical, natural, economic and social environment;
- to foster collaboration and mutual support, cross-disciplinary exchange (artistic, scientific, technical, cultural, etc.) and transgenerational;
- to promote the use and contributions to computers, hardware and open content;
- to organize or participate in any type of project, event and event related to the points previously discussed.
Our first objective is to build the material that we lack: CNC, screen printing, 3D printers than to make us know locally via press and institutions
- 3D printen