Technoparkstrasse 2, (Eingang A, Untergeschoss), Winterthur, 8406, Switzerland
Lab tags:
Winterthur is a city with a long history of manufacturing and engineering. We see a strong correlation with the ZHAW Winterthur, University of applied sciences, with various faculties like the ZHAW School of Engineering. The public as well as students of the ZHAW shall benefit from the FabLab Winterthur and get easy access to 3D Printers, Lasercutters, CNC-machines etc. We also provide workshops for digital fabrication, 3D printing, programming (like Arduino), electronics etc.
As per Pi-day, March 14, 2014 the FabLab Winti club has been founded. By the end of Sept. 2014 a crowdfunding campaign ended with 130% very successfully. On December 14, 2014 the FabLab Winti was opened.
We offer:
- various trainings for 3D Printing, 3D Design, Lasercutting, Arduino, CNC milling, lathing,...
- a Lasersaur Lasercutter with 120 x 60 cm work area and 100W CO2-Tube
- a Trotec Seepdy 300 Laser with 85W RF-Tube
- a small Diode Laser Engraver
- 3 Prusa i3 MK3 Printers
- a Silhouette Curio Vinyl Cutting Machine
- a conventional Turning Lathe
- a BF-20 CNC-Mill
- a Stepcraft 840 CNC-Router
- several electric Tools like Drills & Saws
- 8 PC Workstations
- multiple Soldering Stations
- a professional Electronic Lab
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Para quem é voltado o fablabs.io?