FabLab Universitario CIDi
Avenida Mariscal Lopez, Campus UNA, San Lorenzo, Departamento Central, 111421, Paraguay
Lab Details
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FabLab Universitario CIDi is located in the main campus of the National University of Asunción (Paraguay) and is related to the Research Departement of the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Arts wich. It is directly open to more than 2000 students from diverse careers such as Architecture, Industrial and Graphic Design, Music, Dance and Art, and is also expected to be used by other careers like Engineering, Dentistry, Medicine and others which are all located in the same campus.
FabLab Universitario CIDi is currently working in cooperation with the "Parque Tecnológico Itaipú" Foundation, which is a nation wide technology center, and also with other public institutions.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impresión 3D
  • Fresado CNC
  • Producción de circuitos
  • Corte y grabado laser
  • Fresado de precisión
  • Cortadora de vinilo
Juan Cristaldo
Responsable de financiamiento y entrenamiento
Andrea Grau
Architecture Student / Collaborator
Abdon Troche Rotela
Technical assistant
Silvia Beatriz Lugo Lugo
Fab Academy Instructor
Silvia Terol
Communications Coordinator
Upcoming Events

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