FabLab Santiago City
Integrated Transport Terminal and Commercial Complex, Santiago City, Isabela, 3311, Philippines
(078) 682-0233 fablabstgo@gmail.com
Lab Details
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Fab Lab will be a place where ideas and concepts are realized by embracing computerized manufacturing technology, computer science, electrical/ electronic engineering, mechanical engineering and other disciplines. The Fab Lab was designed around the emerging possibility for ordinary people to not just learn about science and engineering but actually design machines and make measurements that are relevant to improving the quality of their lives and the communities around them. Based on the 2016 City Competitiveness Index, Santiago City is the fastest growing local economy in the entire Philippines and is now ranked 51 in terms of economy size among all cities in the country.

Lab Capabilities
  • Impression 3D
  • Fraiseuses à commande numérique
  • Production de C.I.
  • Découpe/Gravure Laser
  • Fraiseuse de précision
  • Découpe Vinyle
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