Emilienstraße 45, Detmold, NRW, 32756, Germany
Lab tags:
In 2017, the FabLab OWL was opened with two locations in close cooperation with the department "Development and Construction / Product Development Construction Theory / CAD" of the department for production and wood technology. The FabLab OWL enables direct access to digital manufacturing technologies and forms an important creative, experimental and communication space as a crucial interface between learners, teachers and researchers. It offers spaces and (digital) tools to experimentally, yet precisely 'materialize' ideas and thereby promotes interdisciplinary exchange. The FabLab OWL is also regularly open to the public, e.g. also for schools, start-ups, inventors etc.
The Fablab creates a technical environment for the use of digital manufacturing processes in prototype and model building. In addition to classic model making and carpentry, students are offered a direct opportunity to study digital controls and data interfaces on NC machines, as well as to implement models that can be built directly.
Involvement in teaching:
There is a direct connection to various teaching areas with an offer of seminars and support from project groups. A close connection to the CAD teaching area enables the creation of foundations in the teaching and application of generative architecture, handling of surfaces, etc. with subsequent transfer to the digital manufacturing process.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Laser
- Precision milling
- Vinyl cutting