Escuela Politécnica Superior , Universidad CEU, Campus de Montepríncipe, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, 28925, Spain
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Fab Lab Madrid CEU is located at the Madrid-based Institute of Technology (EPS) of CEU San Pablo University. The Laboratory takes advantage of the creative potential associated to the combination of virtual design and technology (Computer Numeric Control, 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, Vinyl Cutters and Electronics) which are considered the fourth generation of the application of digital technologies to the field of architecture and engineering. This technology is related with the material manufacture of digitally designed models and offers the possibility to read from digital files to create the physical components of the models.
- Impressão 3D
- Usinagem CNC
- Produção de circuitos
- Corte Laser/Gravação
- Usinagem de precisão
- Para quem é voltado o