Independent University, Bangladesh, Plot 16, Block B, Aftabuddine Ahmed Road, Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka 1212, Dhaka, 1212, Bangladesh
+8801720110055 mahady@iub.edu.bd
Lab Details
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In detail we can highlight the following activities for the FabLab:
a. Setting up the lab:
We will be acquiring tools and machinery along with all necessary resources to set up a complete functional Fab Lab according to Fab Foundation Standards in a university allocated space. This will be a on going process. So that we can avail new technology in the lab.

b.Develop expertise:
Study and research available open source resources on fab lab, visit other fab labs, bring experts for conducting workshop, train tech Guru for the lab.

c.Design an internet portal for the lab:
Create proper infrastructure to connect to the global fab network, provide access to the resources. We constructing our website and the URL is: www.fablabiub.com

d.Arrange for training program and workshop:
Basic awareness of fab lab concept, learning to use the machineries, getting familiar with the software. We are planning to offer short courses on the machines that we have in lab. So that the wider community got involved in the innovation process.

e.Setting up work plans:
Devise a plan for running and maintain the lab and implement it. It will include safety instructions, lab operation hours and work schedule for the Fab Lab team.

f.Curriculum Development:
Adding fab lab in existing IUB curriculum as a part of lab courses, plan for new courses related to fab lab.

g.Plan and design research projects for using fab lab:
Plan student projects, research and thesis to use available fab lab resources. We will encourage multidisciplinary approach

h.Arranging community outreach program:
Inviting students from surrounding school and colleges, etc.

i.Showcase and disseminate project outputs:
Attending conferences, publish articles, apply for patents, upload the completed projects at our fab lab website, host maker events to showcase projects.

j.Plan for sustainability:
Collaboration with business ventures, Industries, funding agencies and Government organizations.

Lab Capabilities
  • 3D printing
  • CNC-Milling
  • Circuit production
  • Laser
  • Precision milling
  • Vinyl cutting
Mahady Hasan
Rubayed Mehedi
R&D Officer
Upcoming Events

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