Itabuna, R. São Sebastião, 281B - Fatima, Itabuna, Bahia, 45604-105, Brazil
Lab tags:
The Fab Lab ITABUNA is the first Fablab of Bahia, in Brazil, a space for makers and hackers, ordinary people, students, children, young people, engineers. People who want to do extraordinary things using tools and methods of digital fabrication, even if you have no idea how to do this. A place for you to come and create your objects and prototypes of their ideas. A place for you dream and accomplish.
As we have a strong vocation computing, hardware development and embedded systems, we are offering a regular basis every month, basic Arduino and 3d print workshops, prototypes development for yourself do everything from the box to the circuit the equipment you want to build. In addition we have an open day where you can come and use Fablab for free: the Open Day
The Fablab Itabuna is at Bahia that although rich in natural and economic resources, faces very serious problems as our main river turned into sewage, drought and salt water being delivered for the population use and drink, extreme violence and true dengue, zika virus and chikunguny, epidemies.
In this scenario our Fablab appears as a special place for people and ideas gathering to solve the problems we face.
- Impresión 3D
- Fresado CNC
- Producción de circuitos
- Corte y grabado laser
- Fresado de precisión
- Cortadora de vinilo