23 Bangchuk-ro 83beon-gil, Dong-gu, 12동 322호 (12dong 322ho), 인천광역시 (Incheon), Republic of Korea, 22530, Korea (Republic of)
Lab tags:
Our lab is for providing industry related advice and support and ideas for making product and invention
Our staffs would provide you these following services
- Industry-related help (like metalwork, manufacturing, PCB manufacture)
- Locations for buying material, parts, tools and everything related with manufacture(fabrication)
- How to use machines. tools
FAB LAB incheon is an industry-focused fabrication laboratory of Incheon one of the biggest industrial district in Incheon. So you can find anytime almost all kind of general industrial goods, parts and tools nearby our FAB LAB. And our staffs are currently working for industry (prototyping) and also we have many partner companies in this district which can provide industrial help that amateur can't handle well (like metalwork, PCB manufacture...)
- Impression 3D
- Fraiseuses à commande numérique
- Découpe/Gravure Laser