Кишинёв, 9/11 Strada Studenților, Кишинёв, Moldova, Moldova (Republic of)
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FabLab Chisinau is located in the heart of the Technical University of Moldova (UTM) compound, and is aimed to develop education, technical prototyping and innovation in key growth industries like electronics, robotics, automotive engineering, furniture and lifestyle. FabLab is a Fabrication Laboratory with 3D printing, Electronics & IoT, Woodworking, Metalworking and co-working zones, equipped with an array of flexible computer-controlled tools and various materials for industrial design and rapid prototyping. The 700 m2 workspace is located next-door to the Tekwill Center, and serves as an extension to it by ensuring synergies through intercalation between technology and engineering.
FabLab Chisinau is a joint investment of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of Sweden in partnership with Technical University of Moldova (TUM) and National Association of ICT companies, which educated nearly 10,000 students and is the country’s largest supplier of technical and engineering skills.
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Laser
- Precision milling