C. 5 de febrero No. 23 Col. La Bomba, 7495+FG Chalco de Díaz Covarrubias, Estado de México, Chalco, Mexico, 56600, Mexico
Lab tags:
Fabjardin is located near of the metropolitan zone of the Mexico City, especifically in Chalco, Estado de México.
The principal objet is to support new craftmen and projects of the zone with the porpose developt and improve the processes of their products, this way impulse local economy.
By other side, FABJARDIN is involved with the education, we have some allinces with some instutions near our fablab with the objet to impulsing students to develop projects and creation of products that use creative technologies:
Laser cut
3d print
Cnc router
Electronics and Programming
Crafts, art and painting
- 3D printing
- CNC-Milling
- Circuit production
- Laser
- Vinyl cutting